Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Deep Learning
- Machine Learning
- Pattern recognition
- Computer vision
주요 연구
- Automatic Face recognition
주요 강의
- Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Probability and Statistics
- Python Programming
주요 논문/저서
- Min Ho Kwak, Youngwoo Kim and Jae Young Choi. Convolution Block Feature Addition Module (CBFAM) for Lightweight and Fast Object Detection on Non-GPU Devices. Submitted to Electronic Letters, 2022.
- Jae Young Choi and Bumshik Lee. Combining Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Stochastic Ensemble Weight Optimization for Facial e-x-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n Recognition in the Wild. IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Oct., 2021 (Early Access). (SCI, IF: 6.513)
- Jae Young Choi and Bumshik Lee. Ensemble of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Gabor Face 6 Representations for Face Recognition. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 29, pp. 3270-3281, Jan., 2020. (SCI, IF: 10.856, Citation: 18)
- Jae Young Choi and Bumshik Lee. Combining of Multiple Deep Networks via Ensemble Generalization Loss, based on MRI Images, for Alzheimer’s Disease Classification. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 27, pp. 206-210, Jan., 2020 (SCI, IF: 3.268, Citation: 13)
- Chaitra Dayananda, Jae Young Choi and Bumshik Lee. Multi-Scale Squeeze U-SegNet with Multi Global Attention for Brain MRI Segmentation. Sensors, vol. 21, no. 10, May, 2021. (SCIE, IF: 3.576)
- Song-Hee Kang, Youngjin Choi, and Jae Young Choi. Restoration of Missing Patterns on Satellite Infrared Sea Surface Temperature Images Due to Cloud Coverage Using Deep Generative Inpainting Network. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1-19, March, 2021. (SCIE, IF: 2.458)
- Kyeong Tae Kim, Bumshik Lee, and Jae Young Choi. 3D-2D deep convolutional neural Networks (DCNN) Cascade fro robust video face identification. Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 80, pp. 4023-4036, 2021. (SCIE, IF: 2.757)
- Nagaraj Yamanakkanavar, Jae Young Choi, and Bumshik Lee. MRI Segmentation and Classification of Human Brain Using Deep Learning for Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Survey. Sensors, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1-28, Jun, 2020. (SCIE, IF: 3.576, Citation: 37)
- Bumshik Lee, Nagaraj Yamanakkanavar, and Jae Young Choi. Automatic segmentation of brain MRI using a novel patch-wise U-net deep architecture. PLUS ONE, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1-20, Aug., 2020. (SCIE, IF: 3.24, Citation: 21)
- Sarala Ghimire, Jae Young Choi, and Bumshik Lee. Using Blockchain for Improved Video Integrity Verification. IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 108-121, Jan., 2020. (SCI, IF: 6.513, Citation: 22)