Ph.D. in Medical Science, Yonsei University
주요 연구
주요 강의
주요 논문/저서
SCI(E): K. Han, H. Koo, S. Jung, H. Park, Y. Hong, H. Shim, Byunghwan Jeon* et al., "Reconstruction of Partially Broken Vascular Structures in X-ray Images via Vesselness-loss-based Multi-scale Generative Adversarial Networks," in IEEE Access, (IF: 4.098), 2023
SCI(E): J. Lee, J. Jeon, Y. Hong*, D. Jeong, Y. Jang, Byunghwan Jeon et al., "Generative adversarial network with radiomic feature reproducibility analysis for computed tomography denoising", Computers in Biology and Medicine (IF: 6.698), 159, 106931, 2023
SCI(E): Han, K., Jeon, J., Jang, Y., Jung, S., Shim, H., Byunghwan Jeon*, Chang, H., "Reconnection of Fragmented Parts of Coronary Arteries using Local Geometric Features in X-ray Angiography Images", Computers in Biology and Medicine (IF: 6.698), 141, 105099, 2022
SCI(E): Jeon, Byunghwan. "Deep Recursive Bayesian Tracking for Fully Automatic Centerline Extraction of Coronary Arteries in CT Images." Sensors, (IF: 3.576), 2021
SCI(E): Jang, Yeonggul, and Byunghwan Jeon*. "Deep Reinforcement Learning with Explicit Spatio-Sequential Encoding Network for Coronary Ostia Identification in CT Images." Sensors, (IF: 3.576), 2021
SCI(E): Ha S, Jung S, Park H, Shin S, Arsanjani R, Hong Y, Lee B, Jang Y, Jeon Byunghwan et al., Assessment of Image Quality for Selective Intracoronary Contrast-injected CT Angiography in a Hybrid Angio-CT System: Yonsei medical journal 62.3 (2021): 200.
SCI(E): Jeon Byunghwan, Jung S, Shim H*, Chang H., “Bayesian Estimation of Geometric Morphometric Landmarks for Simultaneous Localization of Multiple Anatomies in Cardiac CT Images,” Entropy, (IF: 2.494), Jan. 2021.
SCI(E): Jung S, Lee S*, Jeon Byunghwan, Jang Y, Chang H., “Deep Learning Cross-Phase Style Transfer for Motion Artifact Correction in Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography,” IEEE Access, (IF: 4.098), Apr. 2020.
SCI(E): Park H, Jang Y, Reza A, Nguyen M, Lee S, Byunghwan Jeon et al. "Diagnostic Accuracy of a Novel On-site Virtual Fractional Flow Reserve Parallel Computing System." Yonsei medical journal 61.2 (2020): 137-144.
SCI(E), < 10%: Jeon Byunghwan, Jang Y, Shim H*, Chang H., “Identification of Coronary Arteries in CT Images by Bayesian Analysis of Geometric Relations among Anatomical Landmarks,” Pattern Recognition, (IF: 8.518), Dec. 2019.
주요 경력
Kyungil University (2020.03 - 2022.02)
Assistant Professor, Department of Artificial Intelligence Software @ School of Computer Science
Severance Hospital, Yonsei University Health System (2012 – 2020)
(2018 - 2020) Intelligent SW Technology Development for Medical Data Analysis, National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA)
(2013 - 2017) Development of Multi-modality Imaging and 3D Simulation-Based Integrative Diagnosis-Treatment Support Software System for Cardiovascular Diseases, the Korea government (MSIP)
(2012 - 2018) Leading Foreign Research Institute Recruitment Program, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
(2017 - 2018) Junior Integrative Research, Institute of Convergence Science, Yonsei University